7.6. 付録F:DocBookスタイル指定

<!doctype style−sheet PUBLIC "−//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN">
;; Version 0.70 1997.06.19
;; Changes from db069.dsl by Norman Walsh (norm@berkshire.net)
;; Added rudimentary support for book title pages
;; BOOKINFO is used to produce the title page
;; On the recto side:
;; On the verso side:
;; All the children of BOOKINFO; the code here supports
;; in the stylesheet, of course.
;; Added %generate−titlepage% to toggle title page creation
;; Added %generate−toc% to toggle automatic TOC generation
;; Added function author−string to return the contents of an AUTHOR
;; element as a formatted string
;; Added function author−list−string to return the contents of an AUTHOR
;; element as a formatted string in a list of authors in an AUTHORGROUP
;; (adds appropriate punctuation around (author−string))
;; The following elements are no longer (empty−sosofo):
;; Redefined handling of BOOK to better support title pages and TOCs
;; (individually or in combination)
;; Added the (C) copyright symbol to the list of accessible bullets.
;; Changes from db068b.dsl by Norman Walsh (norm@berkshire.net)
;; made several of the link elements $charseq$ not empty−sosofo
;; (even if we don’t know what to do with the link, we keep the text)
;; added $linespecific−display$, like $verbatim−display$ but doesn’t switch
;; to monospace font. Made LITERALLAYOUT $linespecific−display.
;; added ADDRESS as $linespecific−display$
;; added support for simplelist type=inline
;; added %refentry−generate−name% to control output of NAME in RefEntrys
;; added %refentry−function% to control output of () in RefEntrys
;; integrated automatic TOC generation (supplied by Jon) into Book
;; Changes from 0.63 (last public release) by Jon Bosak:
;; all "start−indent: (inherited−start−indent)" removed
;; n−rows spanned fixed for DocBook 3.0
;; PART moved from component to division
;; entityref handling fixed in graphics
;; DSSSL style sheet for DocBook 2.x and 3.x print output
;; Jon Bosak, Sun Microsystems
;; CALS table formatting by Anders Berglund, EBT
;; Recent additions by Norm Walsh (see notes above)
;; Other contributors: Tony Graham, Terry Allen, and of course
;; James Clark
;; To do:
;; platform−independent way to invoke bullet chars etc.
;; footnotes
;; refmiscinfo, refdescriptor
;; toc, lot
;; segmentedlist, segtitle, seglistitem, seg
;; calloutlist, callout
;; screenshot, screeninfo, areaspec, area, areaset
;; programlistingco, screenco, graphicco
;; equation, informalequation, inlineequation
;; syntax definition stuff
;; index stuff
;; links and anchors
;; divide style sheet into modules
;; =========================== PARAMETERS ==============================
;; Refentry generate name indicates whether or not the word "NAME "
;; should be generated at the start of a REFNAME.
(define %refentry−generate−name% #t)
;; Refentry function indicates whether or not REFENTRYs are for functions.
;; If true, "()" is automatically generated after the title.
(define %refentry−function% #t)
;; Generate titlepage indicates whether or not a title page should be
;; generated if a BOOKINFO exists
(define %generate−titlepage% #t)
;; Generate toc indicates whether or not an automatically generated TOC
;; should be included
(define %generate−toc% #t)
;; Visual acuity levels are "normal", "presbyopic", and
;; "large−type"; set the line following to choose the level
(define %visual−acuity% "normal")
;; (define %visual−acuity% "presbyopic")
;; (define %visual−acuity% "large−type")
(define %bf−size%
  (case %visual−acuity%
    (("normal") 10pt)
    (("presbyopic") 12pt)
    (("large−type") 24pt)))
(define−unit em %bf−size%)
;; these font selections are for Windows 95
(define %title−font−family% "Arial")
(define %body−font−family% "Times New Roman")
(define %mono−font−family% "Courier New")
(define %admon−font−family% "Arial")
(define %dingbat−font−family% "WingDings")
(define %line−spacing−factor% 1.1)
(define %head−before−factor% 0.75)
(define %head−after−factor% 0.5)
(define %page−width% 8.5in)
(define %page−height% 11in)
(define %left−right−margin% 6pi)
(define %top−margin%
  (if (equal? %visual−acuity% "large−type") 7.5pi 6pi))
(define %bottom−margin%
  (if (equal? %visual−acuity% "large−type") 7.5pi 6pi))
(define %header−margin%
  (if (equal? %visual−acuity% "large−type") 4.5pi 3pi))
(define %footer−margin% 3pi)
(define %text−width% (− %page−width% (* %left−right−margin% 2)))
(define %body−start−indent% 4pi)
(define %pgwide−start−indent% %body−start−indent%)
(define %body−width% (− %text−width% %body−start−indent%))
(define %para−sep% (/ %bf−size% 2.0))
(define %block−sep% (* %para−sep% 2.0))
(define %hsize−bump−factor% 1.2)
(define %ss−size−factor% 0.6)
(define %ss−shift−factor% 0.4)
(define %smaller−size−factor% 0.9)
;; ====================== BASIC PARAGRAPH TEMPLATE ======================
(define ($paragraph$)
  (make paragraph
    use: para−style
    space−before: %para−sep%
    space−after: %para−sep%
    quadding: ’start
;; ============================== FUNCTIONS =============================
(define outer−parent−list
(define list−list
(define (SECTLEVEL)
    ((have−ancestor? "SECT5") 5)
    ((have−ancestor? "SECT4") 4)
    ((have−ancestor? "SECT3") 3)
    ((have−ancestor? "SECT2") 2)
    ((have−ancestor? "SECT1") 1)
    ((have−ancestor? "REFERENCE") 1)
    (else 0))) ;; 0 is the component (chapter/appendix) level
(define (OLSTEP)
    (modulo (length (hierarchical−number−recursive "ORDEREDLIST")) 4)
    ((1) 1.2em)
    ((2) 1.2em)
    ((3) 1.6em)
    ((0) 1.4em)))
(define (ILSTEP) 1.0em)
(define (PROCSTEP ilvl)
  (if (> ilvl 1) 1.8em 1.4em))
(define (PROCWID ilvl)
  (if (> ilvl 1) 1.8em 1.4em))
;; ............................. Title Page .............................
(mode titlepage−recto−mode
  (element TITLE
    (make paragraph
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
      font−size: (HSIZE 5)
      line−spacing: (* (HSIZE 5) %line−spacing−factor%)
      space−before: (* (HSIZE 5) %head−before−factor%)
      space−after: (* (HSIZE 5) %head−after−factor% 8)
      quadding: ’center
      keep−with−next?: #t
  (element AUTHORGROUP
    (make sequence (process−children−trim)))
  (element AUTHOR
    (let ((author−name (author−string))
        (author−affil (if (not (node−list−empty?
                  (descendants (current−node))
            (data (node−list−first
                  (descendants (current−node))
      (make sequence
        (make paragraph
          font−family−name: %title−font−family%
          font−weight: ’bold
          font−size: (HSIZE 3)
          line−spacing: (* (HSIZE 1) %line−spacing−factor%)
          space−before: (* (HSIZE 2) %head−before−factor%)
          quadding: ’center
          keep−with−next?: #t
          (literal author−name))
        (make paragraph
          font−family−name: %title−font−family%
          font−weight: ’bold
          font−size: (HSIZE 1)
          line−spacing: (* (HSIZE 1) %line−spacing−factor%)
          space−after: (* (HSIZE 2) %head−after−factor% 4)
          quadding: ’center
          keep−with−next?: #t
          (literal author−affil)))))
(mode titlepage−verso−mode
  (element TITLE
    (make paragraph
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
      quadding: ’start
      keep−with−next?: #t
  (element AUTHORGROUP
    (make paragraph
      use: para−style
      space−after: (* %bf−size% %line−spacing−factor%)
      (make sequence
        (literal "by ")
  (element AUTHOR
    ;; Print the author name. Handle the case where there’s no AUTHORGROUP
    (let ((in−group (have−ancestor? "AUTHORGROUP" (current−node))))
      (if (not in−group)
        (make paragraph
          ;; Hack to get the spacing right below the author name line...
          use: para−style
          space−after: (* %bf−size% %line−spacing−factor%)
          (make sequence
            (literal "by ")
            (literal (author−list−string))))
        (make sequence
          (literal (author−list−string))))))
;; ======================= NON−PRINTING ELEMENTS ========================
;; ................................ META ................................
(element SETINFO (empty−sosofo))
(element BOOKINFO
  ;; If a titlepage is desired, produce it
  ;; If a TOC is desired, produce it after the title page
  ;; If a titlepage is not desired, but a TOC is,
  (if %generate−titlepage%
    (make simple−page−sequence
      top−margin: %top−margin%
      bottom−margin: %bottom−margin%
      left−margin: %left−right−margin%
      right−margin: %left−right−margin%
      input−whitespace−treatment: ’collapse
      (make sequence
        (with−mode titlepage−recto−mode
          (make sequence
            (process−first−descendant "TITLE")
            (if (node−list−empty?
                  (descendants (current−node)) "AUTHORGROUP"))
              (process−first−descendant "AUTHOR")
              (process−first−descendant "AUTHORGROUP"))
            (make paragraph
              break−before: ’page
              (literal "")
        (with−mode titlepage−verso−mode
        (if %generate−toc%
          (make sequence
            (make paragraph
              break−before: ’page
              (literal "")
    (if %generate−toc%
      (make simple−page−sequence
        top−margin: %top−margin%
        bottom−margin: %bottom−margin%
        left−margin: %left−right−margin%
        right−margin: %left−right−margin%
        input−whitespace−treatment: ’collapse
(element DOCINFO (empty−sosofo))
(element SECT1INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element SECT2INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element SECT3INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element SECT4INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element SECT5INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element REFSECT1INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element REFSECT2INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element REFSECT3INFO (empty−sosofo))
(element SERIESINFO (empty−sosofo))
(element ARTHEADER (empty−sosofo))
(element COMMENT (empty−sosofo))
(element TITLEABBREV (empty−sosofo))
(element SUBTITLE (empty−sosofo))
;; ......................... BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA .........................
(define (author−string #!optional (author (current−node)))
  ;; Return a formatted string representation of the contents of AUTHOR
  ;; Handles *only* Honorific, FirstName, SurName, and Lineage.
  ;; Handles *only* the first of each.
  ;; Format is "Honorific. FirstName SurName, Lineage"
  (let* ((h_nl (select−elements (descendants author) "HONORIFIC"))
      (f_nl (select−elements (descendants author) "FIRSTNAME"))
      (s_nl (select−elements (descendants author) "SURNAME"))
      (l_nl (select−elements (descendants author) "LINEAGE"))
      (has_h (not (node−list−empty? h_nl)))
      (has_f (not (node−list−empty? f_nl)))
      (has_s (not (node−list−empty? s_nl)))
      (has_l (not (node−list−empty? l_nl))))
      (if has_h (string−append (data (node−list−first h_nl)) ".") "")
      (if has_f (string−append
          (if has_h " " "")
          (data (node−list−first f_nl))) "")
      (if has_s (string−append
          (if (or has_h has_f) " " "")
          (data (node−list−first s_nl))) "")
      (if has_l (string−append ", " (data (node−list−first l_nl))) ""))))
(define (author−list−string #!optional (author (current−node)))
  ;; Return a formatted string representation of the contents of AUTHOR
  ;; *including appropriate punctuation* if the AUTHOR occurs in a list
  ;; of AUTHORs in an AUTHORGROUP:
  ;; John Doe
  ;; or
  ;; John Doe and Jane Doe
  ;; or
  ;; John Doe, Jane Doe, and A. Nonymous
  (let ((author−count (if (have−ancestor? "AUTHORGROUP" author)
          (node−list−length (select−elements
                (ancestor "AUTHORGROUP"))
      (if (and (> author−count 1)
          (last−sibling? author))
        "and "
      (if (and (> author−count 2)
          (not (last−sibling? author)))
        ", "
        (if (> author−count 1)
          " "
(element BIBLIOENTRY (empty−sosofo))
(element BIBLIOMISC (empty−sosofo))
(element BOOKBIBLIO (empty−sosofo))
(element ACKNO (empty−sosofo))
(element STREET (empty−sosofo))
(element POB (empty−sosofo))
(element POSTCODE (empty−sosofo))
(element CITY (empty−sosofo))
(element STATE (empty−sosofo))
(element COUNTRY (empty−sosofo))
(element PHONE (empty−sosofo))
(element FAX (empty−sosofo))
(element OTHERADDR (empty−sosofo))
(element AFFILIATION (empty−sosofo))
(element SHORTAFFIL (empty−sosofo))
(element JOBTITLE (empty−sosofo))
(element ORGDIV (empty−sosofo))
(element ARTPAGENUMS (empty−sosofo))
(element AUTHOR
  (make sequence
    (literal (author−list−string))))
(element AUTHORGROUP (process−children))
(element COLLAB (empty−sosofo))
(element COLLABNAME (empty−sosofo))
(element AUTHORINITIALS (empty−sosofo))
(element CONFGROUP (empty−sosofo))
(element CONFDATES (empty−sosofo))
(element CONFTITLE (empty−sosofo))
(element CONFNUM (empty−sosofo))
(element CONFSPONSOR (empty−sosofo))
(element CONTRACTNUM (empty−sosofo))
(element CONTRACTSPONSOR (empty−sosofo))
(element COPYRIGHT
  (make paragraph
    use: para−style
    (make sequence
      (literal "Copyright ")
      (make line−field
        (BULLTREAT BULLFONT 1 "copyright" "")
        (BULLTREAT BULLSIZE 1 "copyright" "")
        (BULLTREAT BULLSHIFT 1 "copyright" "")
        field−width: (ILSTEP)
          (BULLTREAT BULLSTR 1 "copyright" "")))
      (literal " ")
(element YEAR
  (make sequence
    (if (not (last−sibling? (current−node)))
      (literal ", ")
      (literal " by "))))
(element HOLDER ($charseq$))
(element CORPAUTHOR (empty−sosofo))
(element CORPNAME (empty−sosofo))
(element DATE (empty−sosofo))
(element EDITION (empty−sosofo))
(element EDITOR (empty−sosofo))
(element ISBN (empty−sosofo))
(element ISSN (empty−sosofo))
(element INVPARTNUMBER (empty−sosofo))
(element ISSUENUM (empty−sosofo))
(element LEGALNOTICE (process−children))
(element MODESPEC (empty−sosofo))
(element ORGNAME ($charseq$))
(element OTHERCREDIT (empty−sosofo))
(element PAGENUMS (empty−sosofo))
(element CONTRIB (empty−sosofo))
(element FIRSTNAME ($charseq$))
(element HONORIFIC ($charseq$))
(element LINEAGE ($charseq$))
(element OTHERNAME ($charseq$))
(element SURNAME ($charseq$))
(element PRINTHISTORY (empty−sosofo))
(element PRODUCTNAME (empty−sosofo))
(element PRODUCTNUMBER (empty−sosofo))
(element PUBDATE (empty−sosofo))
(element PUBLISHER (empty−sosofo))
(element PUBLISHERNAME (empty−sosofo))
(element PUBSNUMBER (empty−sosofo))
(element RELEASEINFO (empty−sosofo))
(element REVHISTORY (empty−sosofo))
(element REVISION (empty−sosofo))
(element REVNUMBER (empty−sosofo))
(element REVREMARK (empty−sosofo))
(element SERIESVOLNUMS (empty−sosofo))
(element VOLUMENUM (empty−sosofo))
;; ................... INDEX TERMS (EMBEDDED MARKERS) ...................
(element INDEXTERM (empty−sosofo))
(element PRIMARY (empty−sosofo))
(element SECONDARY (empty−sosofo))
(element TERTIARY (empty−sosofo))
(element SEE (empty−sosofo))
(element SEEALSO (empty−sosofo))
;; ============================= DIVISIONS ==============================
(define ($divtitlepage$)
  (make simple−page−sequence
    top−margin: %top−margin%
    bottom−margin: %bottom−margin%
    left−margin: %left−right−margin%
    right−margin: %left−right−margin%
    input−whitespace−treatment: ’collapse
    (make paragraph
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
      font−size: (HSIZE 5)
      line−spacing: (* (HSIZE 5) %line−spacing−factor%)
      space−before: (* (HSIZE 5) %head−before−factor%)
      space−after: (* (HSIZE 5) %head−after−factor% 4)
      quadding: ’start
      keep−with−next?: #t
(element (SET TITLE) ($divtitlepage$))
(element BOOK
  ;; Handle two cases:
  ;; If there’s a BOOKINFO, just process children. BOOKINFO will handle
  ;; generation of a title page and/or a TOC
  ;; If there’s no BOOKINFO, generate a simple page sequence containing
  ;; the TOC, if a TOC is desired
  (if (node−list−empty?
      (select−elements (descendants (current−node)) "BOOKINFO"))
    (make sequence
      (if %generate−toc%
        (make simple−page−sequence
          top−margin: %top−margin%
          bottom−margin: %bottom−margin%
          left−margin: %left−right−margin%
          right−margin: %left−right−margin%
          input−whitespace−treatment: ’collapse
(element (ARTHEADER TITLE) ($divtitlepage$))
(element (PART TITLE) ($divtitlepage$))
;; ========================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =========================
(define (NUMLABEL fmt)
  (let ((div0n
        ;; Enumerate Chapters and Appendixes
          ((have−ancestor? "CHAPTER") (ancestor−child−number "CHAPTER"))
          ((have−ancestor? "APPENDIX") (ancestor−child−number "APPENDIX"))
          (else #f)))
      (div1n (ancestor−child−number "SECT1"))
      (div2n (ancestor−child−number "SECT2"))
      (div3n (ancestor−child−number "SECT3"))
      (div4n (ancestor−child−number "SECT4"))
      (div5n (ancestor−child−number "SECT5")))
      (if div0n (string−append (NESTEDFNUM div0n fmt)) " ")
      (if div1n (string−append "." (NESTEDFNUM div1n "1"))
        (if div0n ". " " "))
      (if div2n (string−append "." (NESTEDFNUM div2n "1")) " ")
      (if div3n (string−append "." (NESTEDFNUM div3n "1")) " ")
      (if div4n (string−append "." (NESTEDFNUM div4n "1")) " ")
      (if div5n (string−append "." (NESTEDFNUM div5n "1")) " "))))
(mode toc
  (element (PART TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 1))
  (element (PREFACE TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 1))
  (element (CHAPTER TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 1))
  (element (APPENDIX TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 1))
  (element (GLOSSARY TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 1))
  (element (BIBLIOGRAPHY TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 1))
  (element (INDEX TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 1))
  (element (SECT1 TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 2))
  (element (SECT2 TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 3))
  (element (SECT3 TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 4))
  (element (SECT4 TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 5))
  (element (SECT5 TITLE) ($toc−entry$ 6))
  (default (apply process−matching−children
        "SECT1" "SECT2" "SECT3" "SECT4" "SECT5" "TITLE"))))
(define %toc−indent% 2pi)
(define %toc−spacing−factor% 0.4)
(define ($toc−entry$ level)
    (make paragraph
      use: para−style
      start−indent: (+ %body−start−indent%
        (* %toc−indent% level))
      first−line−start−indent: (* −1 %toc−indent%)
      font−weight: (if (= level 1) ’bold ’medium)
      space−before: (if (= level 1) (* %toc−spacing−factor% 6pt) 0pt)
      space−after: (if (= level 1) (* %toc−spacing−factor% 6pt) 0pt)
      quadding: ’start
          ((have−ancestor? "CHAPTER") (NUMLABEL "1"))
          ((have−ancestor? "APPENDIX") (NUMLABEL "A"))
          (else "")))
      (make link
        destination: (current−node−address)
        (with−mode #f (process−children−trim)))
      (make leader (literal "."))
(define (MAKETOC)
    (make paragraph
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
      font−posture: ’upright
      font−size: (HSIZE 3)
      line−spacing: (* (HSIZE 3) %line−spacing−factor%)
      space−after: (* (HSIZE 4) %head−after−factor%)
      start−indent: 0pt
      quadding: ’start
      keep−with−next?: #t
      ;; break−before: ’page
      (literal "Table of Contents"))
    (with−mode toc
      ;; Handle two case: books with and without parts. Books with Parts
      ;; may begin with Preface(s) and are followed by Parts. Books without
      ;; parts are just sequential collections of chapter−level components.
      ;; If you have something more complex, you’ll have to tinker here...
      (let ((book (if (equal? (gi) "BOOK")
              (ancestor "BOOK"))))
        (if (node−list−empty?
            (select−elements (descendants book) "PART"))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "PREFACE"))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "CHAPTER"))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "APPENDIX"))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "GLOSSARY"))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "BIBLIOGRAPHY"))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "INDEX")))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "PREFACE"))
              (select−elements (descendants book) "PART")))
    ;; force a page break
    (make paragraph
      break−before: ’page
      (literal "")
;; ============================= COMPONENTS =============================
;; in docbook, components are containers at the chapter/appendix level
(define ($component$)
  (let ((page−header
        (make sequence
          use: para−style
          font−posture: ’italic
          (with−mode hf−mode (process−first−descendant "TITLE"))))
        (make sequence
          use: para−style
          font−posture: ’italic
              "Page "
                ((equal? (gi) "CHAPTER")
                  (format−number (element−number) "1"))
                ((equal? (gi) "APPENDIX")
                  (format−number (element−number) "A"))
                ((equal? (gi) "GLOSSARY") "Glossary")
                ((equal? (gi) "PREFACE") "Preface")
                (else ""))
    (make simple−page−sequence
      page−number−restart?: #t
      use: para−style
      start−indent: %body−start−indent%
      left−header: (if−front−page (empty−sosofo) page−header)
      right−header: (if−front−page page−header (empty−sosofo))
      left−footer: (if−front−page (empty−sosofo) page−footer)
      right−footer: (if−front−page page−footer (empty−sosofo))
      top−margin: %top−margin%
      bottom−margin: %bottom−margin%
      left−margin: %left−right−margin%
      right−margin: %left−right−margin%
      header−margin: %header−margin%
      footer−margin: %footer−margin%
      page−width: %page−width%
      page−height: %page−height%
      input−whitespace−treatment: ’collapse
      quadding: ’start
;; this is how we prevent the title in the header from acquiring the
;; display treatment that it receives in the body of the document
(mode hf−mode
  (element TITLE
    (make sequence
        (cond ((have−ancestor? "CHAPTER")
            (CHAP−APP−HEAD−LABEL "Chapter"))
          ((have−ancestor? "APPENDIX")
            (CHAP−APP−HEAD−LABEL "Appendix"))
          (else "")))
(define ($comptitle$)
  (make paragraph
    font−family−name: %title−font−family%
    font−weight: ’bold
    font−size: (HSIZE 4)
    line−spacing: (* (HSIZE 4) %line−spacing−factor%)
    space−before: (* (HSIZE 4) %head−before−factor%)
    space−after: (* (HSIZE 4) %head−after−factor%)
    start−indent: 0pt
    first−line−start−indent: 0pt
    quadding: ’start
    keep−with−next?: #t
      (cond ((have−ancestor? "CHAPTER")
          (CHAP−APP−HEAD−LABEL "Chapter"))
        ((have−ancestor? "APPENDIX")
          (CHAP−APP−HEAD−LABEL "Appendix"))
        (else "")))
(define (CHAP−APP−HEAD−LABEL chap−or−app)
  (let ((label
        (attribute−string "label" (ancestor chap−or−app))))
      " "
      (if label
        (if (equal? label "auto")
            (element−number (ancestor chap−or−app))
            (if (equal? chap−or−app "Chapter") "1" "A"))
          (element−number (ancestor chap−or−app))
          (if (equal? chap−or−app "Chapter") "1" "A")))
      ". ")))
(element APPENDIX ($component$))
(element (APPENDIX TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element CHAPTER ($component$))
(element (CHAPTER TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element PREFACE ($component$))
(element (PREFACE TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element REFERENCE ($component$))
(element (REFERENCE TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element BIBLIOGRAPHY ($component$))
(element (BIBLIOGRAPHY TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element GLOSSARY ($component$))
(element (GLOSSARY TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element INDEX ($component$))
(element (INDEX TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element SETINDEX ($component$))
(element (SETINDEX TITLE) ($comptitle$))
;; need test cases to do toc/lot; do these later
(element TOC ($component$))
(element (TOC TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element TOCFRONT ($paragraph$))
(element TOCENTRY ($paragraph$))
(element TOCPART (process−children))
(element TOCCHAP (process−children))
(element TOCLEVEL1 (process−children))
(element TOCLEVEL2 (process−children))
(element TOCLEVEL3 (process−children))
(element TOCLEVEL4 (process−children))
(element TOCLEVEL5 (process−children))
(element TOCBACK ($paragraph$))
(element LOT ($component$))
(element (LOT TITLE) ($comptitle$))
(element LOTENTRY ($paragraph$))
;; ============================== SECTIONS ==============================
(define ($section$) ($block−container$))
(define ($sectitle$)
  (let* ((renderas (inherited−attribute−string "renderas"))
      (hlevel ;; the apparent section level;
        (if renderas ;; if not real section level,
          (string−>number ;; then get the apparent level
            (substring renderas 4 5)) ;; from "renderas",
          (SECTLEVEL))) ;; else use the real level
      (hs (HSIZE (− 4 hlevel)))
      (label (attribute−string "label")))
    (make paragraph
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: (if (< hlevel 5) ’bold ’medium)
      font−posture: (if (< hlevel 5) ’upright ’italic)
      font−size: hs
      line−spacing: (* hs %line−spacing−factor%)
      space−before: (* hs %head−before−factor%)
      space−after: (* hs %head−after−factor%)
      (if (< hlevel 3)
      first−line−start−indent: 0pt
      quadding: ’start
      keep−with−next?: #t
        (if label
          (if (equal? label "AUTO")
            (let ((chn (ancestor−child−number "CHAPTER"))
                (apn (ancestor−child−number "APPENDIX"))
                (s1n (ancestor−child−number "SECT1"))
                (s2n (ancestor−child−number "SECT2"))
                (s3n (ancestor−child−number "SECT3"))
                (s4n (ancestor−child−number "SECT4"))
                (s5n (ancestor−child−number "SECT5")))
                  (chn (FNUM chn))
                  (apn (FNUM apn))
                  (else "X"))
                (if s1n (string−append "." (FNUM s1n)) " ")
                (if s2n (string−append "." (FNUM s2n)) " ")
                (if s3n (string−append "." (FNUM s3n)) " ")
                (if s4n (string−append "." (FNUM s4n)) " ")
                (if s5n (string−append "." (FNUM s5n)) " ")))
            (string−append label " "))
          (string−append "")))
(element SECT1 ($section$))
(element (SECT1 TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element SECT2 ($section$))
(element (SECT2 TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element SECT3 ($section$))
(element (SECT3 TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element SECT4 ($section$))
(element (SECT4 TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element SECT5 ($section$))
(element (SECT5 TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element SIMPLESECT ($section$))
(element (SIMPLESECT TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element PARTINTRO ($section$))
(element (PARTINTRO TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element BIBLIODIV ($section$))
(element (BIBLIODIV TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element GLOSSDIV ($section$))
(element (GLOSSDIV TITLE) ($sectitle$))
(element INDEXDIV ($section$))
(element (INDEXDIV TITLE) ($sectitle$))
;; =========================== REFERENCE PAGES ==========================
(element REFENTRY ($block−container$))
(element REFMETA
  (let* ((slevel (SECTLEVEL)) ;; the true level in the section hierarchy
      (hlevel (if (> slevel 2) 2 slevel)) ;; limit to sect2 equiv.
      (hs (HSIZE (− 4 hlevel))))
    (make paragraph
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
      font−size: hs
      line−spacing: (* hs %line−spacing−factor%)
      space−before: (* hs %head−before−factor%)
      space−after: (* hs %head−after−factor%)
      start−indent: %body−start−indent%
      first−line−start−indent: (− %body−start−indent%)
      quadding: ’start
      keep−with−next?: #t
      (process−first−descendant "REFENTRYTITLE")
      (if %refentry−function%
          (literal " (")
            (process−first−descendant "MANVOLNUM")
            (literal ")"))
        (sosofo−append (empty−sosofo)))
(element REFMISCINFO (empty−sosofo)) ;; *** TO DO: finish this
  (make paragraph
    use: para−style
    space−before: %para−sep%
    start−indent: %body−start−indent%
    quadding: ’start
(element REFNAME
  (make sequence
    (if %refentry−generate−name%
      (make sequence
        font−weight: ’bold
        (literal "NAME "))
      (make sequence
        (literal "")))
    (make sequence
      font−weight: ’medium
      font−family−name: %mono−font−family%
      (literal " "))))
  (make sequence
    font−family−name: %body−font−family%
    (make sequence
      (literal "−− ")
    (make paragraph−break)))
(element REFDESCRIPTOR (empty−sosofo)) ;; TO DO: finish this
(element REFCLASS
  (let ((role (attribute−string "role")))
    (make paragraph
      use: para−style
      space−before: %para−sep%
      start−indent: %body−start−indent%
      quadding: ’start
      (make sequence
        font−weight: ’bold
          (if role
            (string−append role ": ")
  (make paragraph
    use: para−style
    space−before: %para−sep%
    start−indent: %body−start−indent%
    lines: ’asis
    font−family−name: %mono−font−family%
(element (REFSYNOPSISDIV TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 1))
(element REFSECT1 ($block−container$))
(element (REFSECT1 TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 1))
(element REFSECT2 ($block−container$))
(element (REFSECT2 TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 2))
(element REFSECT3 ($block−container$))
(element (REFSECT3 TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 3))
;; ======================== ERROR MESSAGES (ETC.) =======================
(element MSGSET (process−children))
(element MSGENTRY ($block−container$))
(element MSG
  (make display−group
    font−weight: ’bold
    font−family−name: %mono−font−family%
(element MSGMAIN (process−children))
(element MSGSUB
  (make display−group
    start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (ILSTEP))
(element MSGREL
  (make display−group
    font−weight: ’bold
(element MSGTEXT (process−children))
(element MSGINFO ($indent−para−container$))
(define ($genhead−para$ headtext)
  (make paragraph
    space−before: %para−sep%
    space−after: %para−sep%
    (make sequence
      font−weight: ’bold
        (string−append headtext ": ")))
(element MSGLEVEL ($genhead−para$ "Level"))
(element MSGORIG ($genhead−para$ "Origin"))
(element MSGAUD ($genhead−para$ "Audience"))
(element MSGEXPLAN ($indent−para−container$))
(element (MSGEXPLAN TITLE) ($runinhead$))
(element (MSGEXPLAN PARA) (make sequence (process−children)))
;; ================= UNCLASSIFIED BLOCK−LEVEL ELEMENTS ==================
(element TITLE ($lowtitle$ 2)) ;; the default TITLE format
(element BRIDGEHEAD ($lowtitle$ 2))
(element SIDEBAR ($block−container$))
(element ABSTRACT ($block−container$))
(element AUTHORBLURB ($block−container$))
  (make paragraph
    font−size: (* %bf−size% %smaller−size−factor%)
    line−spacing: (* %bf−size% %line−spacing−factor%
    space−before: %para−sep%
    start−indent: (+ %body−start−indent% 1em)
    end−indent: 1em
(element ATTRIBUTION ($paragraph$))
(element EPIGRAPH ($block−container$))
(element FOOTNOTE (empty−sosofo)) ;; can’t deal with this yet −− revisit
(element HIGHLIGHTS ($block−container$))
(element FORMALPARA ($para−container$))
(element (FORMALPARA TITLE) ($runinhead$))
(element (FORMALPARA PARA) (make sequence (process−children)))
(element PARA ($paragraph$))
(element SIMPARA ($paragraph$))
(element (ROW ENTRY PARA)
  (make paragraph
    use: para−style
  (make paragraph
    font−size: %bf−size%
    font−family−name: %title−font−family%
    font−weight: ’bold
    line−spacing: (* %bf−size% %line−spacing−factor%)
    quadding: ’start
;; ============================ ADMONITIONS =============================
(define ($admonition$)
  (make display−group
    space−before: %block−sep%
    space−after: %block−sep%
(define ($admonpara$)
  (make paragraph
    space−before: %para−sep%
    space−after: %para−sep%
    font−size: (− %bf−size% 1pt)
    font−weight: ’medium
    font−posture: ’upright
    font−family−name: %admon−font−family%
    line−spacing: (* (− %bf−size% 1pt) %line−spacing−factor%)
    start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (* (ILSTEP) 2))
    (make sequence
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
        (if (= (child−number) 1)
            ((have−ancestor? "IMPORTANT") "IMPORTANT: ")
            ((have−ancestor? "NOTE") "NOTE: ")
            ((have−ancestor? "TIP") "TIP: ")
            (else ""))
(element IMPORTANT ($admonition$))
(element (IMPORTANT PARA) ($admonpara$))
(element NOTE ($admonition$))
(element (NOTE PARA) ($admonpara$))
(element TIP ($admonition$))
(element (TIP PARA) ($admonpara$))
;; perils are given special treatment by generating a centered title
;; and throwing a box around them
;; note that the paragraph indents are set by the box characteristics
(define ($peril$)
  (let ((hs (HSIZE 2)))
    (make display−group
      space−before: %block−sep%
      space−after: %block−sep%
      (make box
        display?: #t
        box−type: ’border
        line−thickness: 2pt
        start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (* 2 (ILSTEP)) 2pt)
        end−indent: (inherited−end−indent)
        (make paragraph
          space−before: %para−sep%
          space−after: %para−sep%
          start−indent: 1em
          end−indent: 1em
          font−family−name: %title−font−family%
          font−weight: ’bold
          font−size: hs
          line−spacing: (* hs %line−spacing−factor%)
          quadding: ’center
          keep−with−next?: #t
              ((equal? (gi) "CAUTION") "CAUTION")
              ((equal? (gi) "WARNING") "WARNING")
              (else ""))))
(element CAUTION ($peril$))
(element WARNING ($peril$))
;; ========================= GLOSSARY ELEMENTS ==========================
(element GLOSSLIST ($block−container$))
(element GLOSSENTRY ($para−container$))
(element GLOSSTERM ($lowtitle$ 3))
(element GLOSSDEF ($indent−para−container$))
(element GLOSSSEE ($italic−seq$))
(element GLOSSSEEALSO ($italic−seq$))
;; =============================== LISTS ================================
(define ($list$)
  (make display−group
    space−before: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)
    space−after: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)))
(element ITEMIZEDLIST ($list$))
  (make paragraph
    start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (ILSTEP))
  (let ((spacing (inherited−attribute−string "spacing")))
    (if (= (child−number) 1)
      (let ((ilevel
            (length (hierarchical−number−recursive "ITEMIZEDLIST")))
            (inherited−attribute−string "override"))
            (inherited−attribute−string "spacing"))
            (inherited−attribute−string "mark")))
        (make paragraph
          use: para−style
          space−before: (if (equal? "COMPACT" spacing)
          first−line−start−indent: (− (ILSTEP))
          (make line−field
            (BULLTREAT BULLFONT ilevel override mark)
            (BULLTREAT BULLSIZE ilevel override mark)
            (BULLTREAT BULLSHIFT ilevel override mark)
            field−width: (ILSTEP)
              (BULLTREAT BULLSTR ilevel override mark)))
          (make sequence
            first−line−start−indent: 0pt
      (make paragraph
        use: para−style
        space−before: (if (equal? "COMPACT" spacing)
(element ORDEREDLIST ($list$))
  (make paragraph
    start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (OLSTEP))
  (let ((spacing (inherited−attribute−string "spacing")))
    (if (= (child−number) 1)
      (make paragraph
        use: para−style
        space−before: (if (equal? "COMPACT" spacing)
        first−line−start−indent: (− (OLSTEP))
        (make line−field
          field−width: (OLSTEP)
            (case (modulo (length
                  (hierarchical−number−recursive "ORDEREDLIST")) 4)
              ((1) (string−append
                  (format−number (PARNUM) "1") "."))
              ((2) (string−append
                  (format−number (PARNUM) "a") "."))
              ((3) (string−append
                  "(" (format−number (PARNUM) "i") ")"))
              ((0) (string−append
                  "(" (format−number (PARNUM) "a") ")")))))
        (make sequence
          first−line−start−indent: 0pt
      (make paragraph
        use: para−style
        space−before: (if (equal? "COMPACT" spacing)
(element VARIABLELIST ($list$))
(element VARLISTENTRY ($para−container$))
  (let ((termlength
        (attribute−string "termlength" (ancestor "VARIABLELIST"))))
    (make paragraph
      use: para−style
      space−before: %para−sep%
      end−indent: (if termlength
        (− %text−width% (PARSEDUNIT termlength))
  (make paragraph
    use: para−style
    space−before: %para−sep%
    space−after: %para−sep%
    start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) 2em)
  (let ((type (attribute−string "type")))
    (if (equal? type "INLINE")
      (make sequence
      (make display−group
        space−before: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)
        space−after: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)
(element MEMBER
  (let ((type (inherited−attribute−string "type")))
    (if (equal? type "INLINE")
      (make sequence
        (if (not (last−sibling?))
          (literal ", ")
          (literal "")))
      (make paragraph
        start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (ILSTEP))
;; TO DO: deal with these
(element SEGMENTEDLIST (process−children))
(element (SEGMENTEDLIST TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 2))
(element SEGTITLE ($paragraph$))
(element SEGLISTITEM ($paragraph$))
(element SEG ($paragraph$))
(element CALLOUTLIST (process−children))
(element (CALLOUTLIST TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 2))
(element CALLOUT ($paragraph$))
;; ============================= PROCEDURES =============================
(element PROCEDURE ($list$))
(element (PROCEDURE TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 2))
(element SUBSTEPS
  (make display−group
    space−before: %para−sep%
    space−after: %para−sep%
    start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (PROCSTEP 2))))
(element (STEP PARA)
  (let ((ilevel
        (length (hierarchical−number−recursive "STEP"))))
    (if (= (child−number) 1)
      (make paragraph
        use: para−style
        space−before: %para−sep%
        start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent)
          (PROCSTEP ilevel))
        first−line−start−indent: (− (PROCSTEP ilevel))
        font−weight: ’bold
        (make line−field
          field−width: (PROCSTEP ilevel)
            (if (= 1 ilevel)
                  (ancestor−child−number "STEP") "1") ".")
                    (hierarchical−number−recursive "STEP")
                    (− ilevel 2)) "1")
                  (ancestor−child−number "STEP") "a") "."))))
        (make sequence
          first−line−start−indent: 0pt
      (make paragraph
        use: para−style
        space−before: %para−sep%
        start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (PROCSTEP ilevel))
;; ======================= EXAMPLES AND LISTINGS ========================
(element EXAMPLE ($block−container$))
(element (EXAMPLE TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 2))
(element INFORMALEXAMPLE ($block−container$))
(define ($verbatim−display$)
  (let* ((width−in−chars
        (if (attribute−string "width")
          (string−>number (attribute−string "width"))
          60)) ;; the default is a maximum line length of 60 chars
      (fsize (lambda () (/ (/ (− %text−width% (inherited−start−indent))
              width−in−chars) 0.7))))
    (make paragraph
      space−before: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)
      space−after: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)
      font−family−name: %mono−font−family%
      font−size: (fsize)
      font−weight: ’medium
      font−posture: ’upright
      line−spacing: (* (fsize) %line−spacing−factor%)
      lines: ’asis
      input−whitespace−treatment: ’preserve
      quadding: ’start
(define ($linespecific−display$)
  (let* ((width−in−chars
        (if (attribute−string "width")
          (string−>number (attribute−string "width"))
          60)) ;; the default is a maximum line length of 60 chars
      (fsize (lambda () (/ (/ (− %text−width% (inherited−start−indent))
              width−in−chars) 0.7))))
    (make paragraph
      space−before: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)
      space−after: (if (INLIST?) %para−sep% %block−sep%)
      lines: ’asis
      input−whitespace−treatment: ’preserve
      quadding: ’start
(element LITERALLAYOUT ($linespecific−display$))
(element ADDRESS ($linespecific−display$))
(element PROGRAMLISTING ($verbatim−display$))
(element SCREEN ($verbatim−display$))
;; screenshot is a graphic with possible screeninfo
;; *** TO DO: deal with this
(element SCREENSHOT (process−children))
;; screenco can have children areaspec, screen, calloutlist
;; programlistingco can have children areaspec, programlisting, calloutlist
;; don’t know how to deal with these yet
;; *** TO DO: deal with these
(element SCREENINFO ($paragraph$))
(element AREASPEC ($paragraph$))
(element AREA ($paragraph$))
(element AREASET ($paragraph$))
(element PROGRAMLISTINGCO (process−children))
(element SCREENCO (process−children))
;; ==================== FIGURES, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS ====================
(element FIGURE
  (make display−group
    (with−mode figure−caption−mode
      (process−first−descendant "TITLE"))
(element GRAPHIC ($image$))
(element INLINEGRAPHIC ($image$))
(define ($image$)
  (let ((fileref (attribute−string "fileref"))
      (entityref (attribute−string "entityref")))
    (make paragraph
      space−before: %block−sep%
      space−after: %block−sep%
      (make external−graphic
        entity−system−id: (if fileref fileref
          (if entityref
            (entity−generated−system−id entityref)
        display?: #t
        display−alignment: ’start))))
(mode figure−caption−mode
  (element TITLE
    (let ((label (attribute−string "label" (ancestor "figure"))))
      (make paragraph
        use: para−style
        font−weight: ’bold
        space−before: %block−sep%
        space−after: %para−sep%
        keep−with−next?: #t
            "Figure "
            (if label
              (format−number (element−number (parent (current−node))) "1"))
            ". "))
(element (FIGURE TITLE) (empty−sosofo)) ; don’t show caption below figure
;; *** TO DO: deal with these
(element GRAPHICCO (process−children))
(element EQUATION (process−children))
(element (EQUATION TITLE) ($lowtitle$ 2))
(element INFORMALEQUATION (process−children))
(element INLINEEQUATION (process−children))
;; ========================= SYNTAX DEFINITIONS =========================
;; *** TO DO: this is just a placeholder; need examples to define styles
(element SYNOPSIS (process−children))
(element CMDSYNOPSIS (process−children))
(element ARG ($paragraph$))
(element GROUP ($paragraph$))
(element SBR ($paragraph$))
(element SYNOPFRAGMENTREF ($paragraph$))
(element SYNOPFRAGMENT (process−children))
(element FUNCSYNOPSIS (process−children))
(element FUNCSYNOPSISINFO (process−children))
(element FUNCPROTOTYPE (process−children))
(element FUNCDEF ($paragraph$))
(element VOID ($paragraph$))
(element VARARGS (process−children))
(element PARAMDEF (process−children))
(element FUNCPARAMS (process−children))
;; ============================== INLINES ===============================
(element ACCEL ($charseq$))
(element ACTION ($charseq$))
(element APPLICATION ($charseq$))
(element CLASSNAME ($charseq$))
(element COMMAND ($bold−seq$))
(element COMPUTEROUTPUT ($mono−seq$))
(element DATABASE ($charseq$))
(element EMAIL ($charseq$))
(element ERRORNAME ($charseq$))
(element ERRORTYPE ($charseq$))
(element FILENAME ($charseq$))
(element FUNCTION ($bold−seq$))
(element GUIBUTTON ($charseq$))
(element GUIICON ($charseq$))
(element GUILABEL ($charseq$))
(element GUIMENU ($charseq$))
(element GUIMENUITEM ($charseq$))
(element GUISUBMENU ($charseq$))
(element HARDWARE ($charseq$))
(element INTERFACE ($charseq$))
(element INTERFACEDEFINITION ($charseq$))
(element KEYCAP ($bold−seq$))
(element KEYCODE ($charseq$))
(element KEYCOMBO ($charseq$))
(element KEYSYM ($charseq$))
(element LITERAL ($mono−seq$))
(element MEDIALABEL ($italic−seq$))
(element MENUCHOICE ($charseq$))
(element SHORTCUT ($bold−seq$))
(element MOUSEBUTTON ($charseq$))
(element OPTION ($charseq$))
(element OPTIONAL ($charseq$))
(element PARAMETER ($italic−mono−seq$))
(element PROPERTY ($charseq$))
(element REPLACEABLE ($italic−mono−seq$))
(element RETURNVALUE ($charseq$))
(element STRUCTFIELD ($italic−mono−seq$))
(element STRUCTNAME ($charseq$))
(element SYMBOL ($charseq$))
(element SYSTEMITEM ($charseq$))
(element TOKEN ($charseq$))
(element TYPE ($charseq$))
(element USERINPUT ($bold−mono−seq$))
(element ABBREV ($charseq$))
(element ACRONYM ($charseq$))
(element CITATION ($charseq$))
(element CITEREFENTRY ($charseq$))
(element CITETITLE ($charseq$))
(element CO ($charseq$))
(element EMPHASIS ($bold−seq$))
(element FIRSTTERM ($bold−seq$))
(element FOREIGNPHRASE ($italic−seq$))
(element MARKUP ($charseq$))
(element PHRASE ($charseq$))
(element QUOTE ($charseq$))
(element SGMLTAG ($charseq$))
(element TRADEMARK ($charseq$))
(element WORDASWORD ($italic−seq$))
  (make sequence
    use: para−style
(define ($ss−seq$ plus−or−minus)
  (make sequence
    (* (inherited−font−size) %ss−size−factor%)
    (plus−or−minus (* (inherited−font−size) %ss−shift−factor%))
(element SUPERSCRIPT ($ss−seq$ +))
(element SUBSCRIPT ($ss−seq$ −))
;; ========================= LINKS AND ANCHORS ==========================
(element LINK ($charseq$))
(element OLINK ($charseq$))
(element ULINK ($charseq$))
(element FOOTNOTEREF (empty−sosofo))
(element XREF (empty−sosofo))
(element ANCHOR (empty−sosofo))
(element BEGINPAGE (empty−sosofo))
;; =========================== INDEX ELEMENTS ===========================
(element INDEXENTRY (process−children))
(element PRIMARYIE ($paragraph$))
(element SECONDARYIE ($paragraph$))
(element TERTIARYIE ($paragraph$))
(element SEEIE ($paragraph$))
(element SEEALSOIE ($paragraph$))
;; 961028 −− bosak
;; TABLE element spec changed
;; p−style changed to para−style
;; 961123 −− bosak
;; TABLE and TITLE elements modified
;; margins changed
;; added INFORMALTABLE (docbook−specific)
;; 961124 −− bosak
;; mods to THEAD
;; 970116 −− bosak
;; method for assigning frame−attribute on TGROUP changed from
;; attribute−string to inherited−attribute string to cope
;; with FRAME attribute set on either TABLE or INFORMALTABLE
;; (docbook−specific)
;; mods to TITLE, cell indents & margins
;; 970215 −− berglund, communicated 970128
;; n−rows−spanned fixed to accommodate #IMPLIED value for morerows
;; rather than default value of 0 (DocBook 2.x −> 3.0 change to
  ;; align with SGML Open table model)
;; 970215 −− graham, communicated 970202
;; pgwide accommodated
;; Notes by bosak:
;; For (informal)tables and table titles to align correctly with
;; paragraphs immediately preceding them, the (informal)table
;; must be a child of the preceding paragraph.
;; To get a table frame and rules around each cell, you must set
;; frame="all" on every TABLE and INFORMALTABLE and
;; colsep=1 rowsep=1 on every TGROUP.
;; All further notes by Anders Berglund except where indicated.
;; ============================ TABLES ===============================
; *** DRAFT VERSION ****
; Copyright (C), Berglund Consulting & Type Foundry 1996.
; Permission to copy in any form is granted for use in
; DSSSL applications, provided this notice is included in
; all copies.
; This supports the specifications in the "Exchange model" in the
; SGML Open Technical Resolution TR 9503:1995
; with the modification that SPANSPECs are supported.
; Thus the following is NOT supported:
; − mixed measure − e.g. 2*+3pt − for colspecs
; Caution
; − NOTE that vertical column spans are not supported by Microsoft Word
; − NOTE that for RTF the table foot is placed at the end of the table;
; table heads are correctly repeated at page breaks in a table
; Tailor these values to go with the rest of the DSSSL application
; and for the desired default values
(define %cals−rule−default% 0)
(define %cals−valign−default% "TOP")
; cell margins − a 4pt value assumes that the paragraphs in the
; cells have a 0 start and end indent so that a
; margin needs to be specified on the cells
;; bosak has tweaked all these
(define %cals−cell−before−row−margin% 3pt)
(define %cals−cell−after−row−margin% 3pt)
(define %cals−cell−before−column−margin% 3pt)
(define %cals−cell−after−column−margin% 3pt)
; value for start and end indent; initial value for inheritance in the
; cells
(define %cals−cell−content−start−indent% 3pt)
(define %cals−cell−content−end−indent% 2pt)
; These may need changing for the desired style
  (make display−group
    space−before: %block−sep%
    space−after: %block−sep%
(element TABLE
  (make display−group
    space−before: %block−sep%
    space−after: %block−sep%
    ;; pgwide handling by Tony Graham
    start−indent: (let ((pgwide (attribute−string "pgwide")))
        (string? pgwide)
            (= (string−>number pgwide) 0))
    (with−mode table−caption−mode
      (process−first−descendant "TITLE"))
(mode table−caption−mode
  (element TITLE
    (let ((label (attribute−string "label" (ancestor "table"))))
      (make paragraph
        use: para−style
        font−weight: ’bold
        space−before: %block−sep%
        space−after: %block−sep%
        keep−with−next?: #t
            "Table "
            (if label
              (format−number (element−number (parent (current−node))) "1"))
            ". "))
; There should be no need to change the specification below
  (if (string? u)
    (let ((strlen (string−length u)))
      (if (string=? "*" (substring u (− strlen 1) strlen))
        (let* ((pnum (substring u 0 (− strlen 1))))
          (if (number? (string−>number pnum))
            (table−unit (string−>number pnum))
            (table−unit 1)))
        (if (> strlen 2)
          (let ((u−s−i (UNAME−START−INDEX u (− strlen 1))))
            (if (= u−s−i 0) ;; there’s no number here
              1pi ;; so return something that might work
              (if (= u−s−i strlen) ;; there’s no unit name here
                (* (string−>number u) 1pt) ;; so default to points
                (let* ((unum (string−>number
                        (substring u 0 u−s−i)))
                    (uname (STRING−DOWNCASE
                        (substring u u−s−i strlen))))
                  (case uname
                    (("mm") (* unum 1mm))
                    (("cm") (* unum 1cm))
                    (("in") (* unum 1in))
                    (("pi") (* unum 1pi))
                    (("pt") (* unum 1pt))
                        ((number? unum)
                          (* unum 1pt))
                        ((number? (string−>number u))
                          (* (string−>number u) 1pt))
                        (else u))))))))
          (if (number? (string−>number u))
            (* (string−>number u) 1pt)
            (table−unit 1)))))
    (table−unit 1)))
; given a node list "nodes" find the snl that has a gi matching "giname"
; and an attribute "attname" that has the value "attval"
; if no such node return #f
(define (GI−ATTVAL−NODE−IN−NODELIST giname attname attval nodes)
  (let* ((n (node−list−first nodes)) ;; has to be let* bosak 961123
      (attnamestr (attribute−string attname n))) ;; added by bosak 961123
    (if (and (string=? (gi n) giname)
        attnamestr (string=? attnamestr attval)) ;
      ; check for attnamestr added by bosak 961123
      ;; (if (and (string=? (gi n) giname)
          (string=? (attribute−string attname n) attval))
        ;; old version dies if attribute−string returns #f
        (if (node−list−empty? (node−list−rest nodes))
          (GI−ATTVAL−NODE−IN−NODELIST giname attname attval
            (node−list−rest nodes))))))
  ; find the child number of the "colspec" that has a "colname" attribute
  ; whose value matches the "namest" attribute value of the "spanspec"
  ; whose "spannane" attribute value matches the "spanname" value of the "entry"
        (attribute−string "namest"
            (attribute−string "spanname") (children (ancestor "tgroup"))))
        (children (ancestor "tgroup")))))
  ; find the child number of the "colspec" that has a "colname" attribute
  ; value matching the "namest" attribute value of the "entry"
      (attribute−string "namest") (children (ancestor "tgroup"))))
    (child−number (CALS−ENTRY−COLSPEC−NAMEST−NODE)))
  ; calculate the spane information from "namest" and "nameend" on
  ; the "entry"
      (attribute−string "nameend") (children (ancestor "tgroup"))))
      (+ 1
        (− (child−number (CALS−ENTRY−COLSPEC−NAMEEND−NODE))
          (child−number (CALS−ENTRY−COLSPEC−NAMEST−NODE))
  ; find the child number of the "colspec" that has a "colname" attribute
  ; value matching the "colname" attribute value of the "entry"
      (attribute−string "colname") (children (ancestor "tgroup"))))
    (child−number (CALS−ENTRY−COLSPEC−NAME−NODE)))
  ; find the number of columns spanned by calculating the difference in child
  ; number of the "colspec"s that have a "colname" attribute whose value
  ; matches the "nameend" and "namest" attribute values of the "spanspec"
  ; whose "spannane" attribute value matches the "spanname" value of the "entry"
    (let ((spanspec−node
            (attribute−string "spanname") (children (ancestor "tgroup")))))
      (+ 1
        (− (child−number
            (GI−ATTVAL−NODE−IN−NODELIST "COLSPEC" "colname"
              (attribute−string "nameend" spanspec−node)
              (children (ancestor "tgroup"))))
            (GI−ATTVAL−NODE−IN−NODELIST "COLSPEC" "colname"
              (attribute−string "namest" spanspec−node)
              (children (ancestor "tgroup"))))))))
  ; find a "colspec" for a separator
    (cond ((attribute−string "spanname")
        (let ((spanspec−node
              (GI−ATTVAL−NODE−IN−NODELIST "SPANSPEC" "spanname"
                (attribute−string "spanname") (children (ancestor "tgroup")))))
            (attribute−string "nameend" spanspec−node)
            (children (ancestor "tgroup")))))
      ((attribute−string "namest")
      ((attribute−string "colname")
      (else #f)))
  ; find a "rowsep" specification by looking − in order − at
  ; "entry", "row", "colspec", "tgroup", "table"
    (if (attribute−string "rowsep")
      (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep"))
      (if (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "row"))
        (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "row")))
        (let ((col−spec−node (CALS−ENTRY−FIND−SEP−COLSPEC)))
          (if (and col−spec−node (attribute−string "rowsep" col−spec−node))
            (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep" col−spec−node))
            (if (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "tgroup"))
              (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "tgroup")))
              (if (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "table"))
                (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "table")))
  ; set up a value for the row separator − no distinction for values > 0
  ; if no rowsep found then use default separator
    (let ((rowsep−value (CALS−ENTRY−FIND−ROWSEP)))
      (if (> rowsep−value 0)
  ; find a "rowsep" specification by looking − in order − at
  ; current "colspec", "tgroup", "table"
    (if (attribute−string "rowsep")
      (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep"))
      (if (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "tgroup"))
        (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "tgroup")))
        (if (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "table"))
          (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep" (ancestor "table")))
  ; set up a value for the row separator − no distinction for values > 0
  ; if no rowsep found then use default separator
    (let ((rowsep−value (CALS−COLSPEC−FIND−ROWSEP)))
      (if (> rowsep−value 0)
  ; find a "colsep" specification by looking − in order − at
  ; "entry", "colspec", "tgroup", "table"
    (if (attribute−string "colsep")
      (string−>number (attribute−string "colsep"))
      (let ((col−spec−node (CALS−ENTRY−FIND−SEP−COLSPEC)))
        (if (and col−spec−node (attribute−string "colsep" col−spec−node))
          (string−>number (attribute−string "colsep" col−spec−node))
          (if (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "tgroup"))
            (string−>number (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "tgroup")))
            (if (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "table"))
              (string−>number (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "table")))
  ; set up a value for the column separator − no distinction for values > 0
  ; if no colsep found then use default separator
    (let ((colsep−value (CALS−ENTRY−FIND−COLSEP)))
      (if (> colsep−value 0)
  ; find a "colsep" specification by looking − in order − at
  ; current "colspec", "tgroup", "table"
    (if (attribute−string "colsep")
      (string−>number (attribute−string "colsep"))
      (if (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "tgroup"))
        (string−>number (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "tgroup")))
        (if (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "table"))
          (string−>number (attribute−string "colsep" (ancestor "table")))
  ; set up a value for the row separator − no distinction for values > 0
  ; if no colsep found then use default separator
    (let ((colsep−value (CALS−COLSPEC−FIND−COLSEP)))
      (if (> colsep−value 0)
  ; find a "valign" specification by looking − in order − at
  ; "entry", "tbody", "thead", "tfoot"
    (if (attribute−string "valign")
      (string−>number (attribute−string "valign"))
      (if (attribute−string "valign" (ancestor "tbody"))
        (string−>number (attribute−string "valign" (ancestor "tbody")))
        (if (attribute−string "valign" (ancestor "thead"))
          (string−>number (attribute−string "valign" (ancestor "thead")))
          (if (attribute−string "valign" (ancestor "tfoot"))
            (string−>number (attribute−string "valign" (ancestor "tfoot")))
  ; set up a value for the row alignment
    (let ((valign−value (CALS−ENTRY−FIND−VALIGN)))
      (case valign−value
        (("TOP") ’start)
        (("MIDDLE") ’center)
        (("BOTTOM") ’end)
        (else ’start))))
  (element TGROUP
    (let ((frame−attribute (inherited−attribute−string "frame")))
      (make table
        before−row−border: (if frame−attribute
          (case frame−attribute
            (("ALL") #t)
            (("SIDES") #f)
            (("TOP") #t)
            (("BOTTOM") #f)
            (("TOPBOT") #t)
            (("NONE") #f)
            (else #f))
          (if (> %cals−rule−default% 0)
        after−row−border: (if frame−attribute
          (case frame−attribute
            (("ALL") #t)
            (("SIDES") #f)
            (("TOP") #f)
            (("BOTTOM") #t)
            (("TOPBOT") #t)
            (("NONE") #f)
            (else #f))
          (if (> %cals−rule−default% 0)
        before−column−border: (if frame−attribute
          (case frame−attribute
            (("ALL") #t)
            (("SIDES") #t)
            (("TOP") #f)
            (("BOTTOM") #f)
            (("TOPBOT") #f)
            (("NONE") #f)
            (else #f))
          (if (> %cals−rule−default% 0)
        after−column−border: (if frame−attribute
          (case frame−attribute
            (("ALL") #t)
            (("SIDES") #t)
            (("TOP") #f)
            (("BOTTOM") #f)
            (("TOPBOT") #f)
            (("NONE") #f)
            (else #f))
          (if (> %cals−rule−default% 0)
        (make table−part
          content−map: ’((thead header)
            (tbody #f)
            (tfoot footer))
  (element COLSPEC
    (make table−column
      cell−after−column−border: (CALS−COLSPEC−COLSEP)
      cell−after−row−border: (CALS−COLSPEC−ROWSEP)
      width: (CALS−COLSPEC−UNIT (attribute−string "colwidth"))))
  (element THEAD
    (make sequence
      label: ’thead))
  (element TFOOT
    (make sequence
      label: ’tfoot))
  (element TBODY
    (make sequence
      label: ’tbody))
  (element ROW
    (if (attribute−string "rowsep")
      (make table−row
        (let ((rowsep−value
              (string−>number (attribute−string "rowsep"))))
          (if (> rowsep−value 0)
      (make table−row
  (element ENTRY
    (if (attribute−string "spanname")
      (make table−cell
        column−number: (CALS−ENTRY−SPANSPEC−START)
        n−columns−spanned: (CALS−ENTRY−SPANSPEC−NUMCOLS)
        n−rows−spanned: (let ((morerows−value (attribute−string "morerows")))
          (if morerows−value
            (+ 1 (string−>number morerows−value))
        cell−row−alignment: (CALS−ENTRY−VALIGN)
        cell−after−column−border: (CALS−ENTRY−COLSEP)
        cell−after−row−border: (CALS−ENTRY−ROWSEP)
        cell−before−row−margin: %cals−cell−before−row−margin%
        cell−after−row−margin: %cals−cell−after−row−margin%
        cell−before−column−margin: %cals−cell−before−column−margin%
        cell−after−column−margin: %cals−cell−after−column−margin%
        start−indent: %cals−cell−content−start−indent%
        end−indent: %cals−cell−content−end−indent%
      (if (attribute−string "namest")
        (make table−cell
          column−number: (CALS−ENTRY−COLSPEC−NAMEST)
          n−columns−spanned: (CALS−ENTRY−NAMEST−NAMEEND− NUMCOLS)
          n−rows−spanned: (let ((morerows−value (attribute−string "morerows")))
            (if morerows−value
              (+ 1 (string−>number morerows−value))
          cell−row−alignment: (CALS−ENTRY−VALIGN)
          cell−after−column−border: (CALS−ENTRY−COLSEP)
          cell−after−row−border: (CALS−ENTRY−ROWSEP)
          cell−before−row−margin: %cals−cell−before−row−margin%
          cell−after−row−margin: %cals−cell−after−row−margin%
          cell−before−column−margin: %cals−cell−before−column−margin%
          cell−after−column−margin: %cals−cell−after−column−margin%
          start−indent: %cals−cell−content−start−indent%
          end−indent: %cals−cell−content−end−indent%
        (if (attribute−string "colname")
          (make table−cell
            column−number: (CALS−ENTRY−COLSPEC−NAME)
            n−rows−spanned: (let ((morerows−value
                  (attribute−string "morerows")))
              (if morerows−value
                (+ 1 (string−>number morerows−value))
            cell−row−alignment: (CALS−ENTRY−VALIGN)
            cell−after−column−border: (CALS−ENTRY−COLSEP)
            cell−after−row−border: (CALS−ENTRY−ROWSEP)
            cell−before−row−margin: %cals−cell−before−row−margin%
            cell−after−row−margin: %cals−cell−after−row−margin%
            cell−before−column−margin: %cals−cell−before−column−margin%
            cell−after−column−margin: %cals−cell−after−column−margin%
            start−indent: %cals−cell−content−start−indent%
            end−indent: %cals−cell−content−end−indent%
          (make table−cell
            n−rows−spanned: (let ((morerows−value
                  (attribute−string "morerows")))
              (if morerows−value
                (+ 1 (string−>number morerows−value))
            cell−row−alignment: (CALS−ENTRY−VALIGN)
            cell−after−column−border: (CALS−ENTRY−COLSEP)
            cell−after−row−border: (CALS−ENTRY−ROWSEP)
            cell−before−row−margin: %cals−cell−before−row−margin%
            cell−after−row−margin: %cals−cell−after−row−margin%
            cell−before−column−margin: %cals−cell−before−column−margin%
            cell−after−column−margin: %cals−cell−after−column−margin%
            start−indent: %cals−cell−content−start−indent%
            end−indent: %cals−cell−content−end−indent%
  ;; bosak 1996.11.23
  (element (TABLE TITLE) (empty−sosofo)) ; don’t show caption below table
  (element (CHART TITLE) (empty−sosofo)) ; don’t show caption below chart
  (element SPANSPEC (empty−sosofo))
  ;; ===================== END OF TABLES ===============================
  ;; ============================== UNITS ================================
  (define−unit pi (/ 1in 6))
  (define−unit pt (/ 1in 72))
  (define−unit px (/ 1in 96))
  ;; "em" is defined in the parameters section of the stylesheet
  ;; ========================= COMMON FUNCTIONS ===========================
  (define (expt b n)
    (if (= n 0)
      (* b (expt b (− n 1)))))
  ;; per ISO/IEC 10179
  (define (node−list−reduce nl proc init)
    (if (node−list−empty? nl)
      (node−list−reduce (node−list−rest nl)
        (proc init (node−list−first nl)))))
  ;; per ISO/IEC 10179
  (define (node−list−length nl)
    (node−list−reduce nl
      (lambda (result snl)
        (+ result 1))
  (define if−front−page
    (external−procedure "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Procedure::if−front−page"))
  (define if−first−page
    (external−procedure "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Procedure::if−first−page"))
  (declare−characteristic page−number−format
    "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::page−number−format" "1")
  (declare−characteristic page−number−restart?
    "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::page−number−restart?" #f)
  (define upperalpha
    ’(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H #\I #\J #\K #\L #\M
      #\N #\O #\P #\Q #\R #\S #\T #\U #\V #\W #\X #\Y #\Z))
  (define loweralpha
    ’(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m
      #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\w #\x #\y #\z))
  (define (char−downcase ch)
    (case ch
      ((#\A) #\a) ((#\B) #\b) ((#\C) #\c) ((#\D) #\d) ((#\E) #\e)
      ((#\F) #\f) ((#\G) #\g) ((#\H) #\h) ((#\I) #\i) ((#\J) #\j)
      ((#\K) #\k) ((#\L) #\l) ((#\M) #\m) ((#\N) #\n) ((#\O) #\o)
      ((#\P) #\p) ((#\Q) #\q) ((#\R) #\r) ((#\S) #\s) ((#\T) #\t)
      ((#\U) #\u) ((#\V) #\v) ((#\W) #\w) ((#\X) #\x) ((#\Y) #\y)
      ((#\Z) #\z) (else ch)))
  (define (LOWCASE slist)
    (if (null? slist)
      (cons (char−downcase (car slist)) (LOWCASE (cdr slist)))))
  (define (STR2LIST s)
    (let ((len (string−length s)))
      (let loop ((i 0) (ln len))
        (if (= i len)
          (cons (string−ref s i) (loop (+ i 1) ln))))))
  (define (STRING−DOWNCASE s)
    (apply string (LOWCASE (STR2LIST s))))
  (define (UNAME−START−INDEX u last)
    (let ((c (string−ref u last)))
      (if (or (member c upperalpha) (member c loweralpha))
        (if (= last 0)
          (UNAME−START−INDEX u (− last 1)))
        (+ last 1))))
  (define (PARSEDUNIT u) ;; this doesn’t deal with "%" yet
    (if (string? u)
      (let ((strlen (string−length u)))
        (if (> strlen 2)
          (let ((u−s−i (UNAME−START−INDEX u (− strlen 1))))
            (if (= u−s−i 0) ;; there’s no number here
              1pi ;; so return something that might work
              (if (= u−s−i strlen) ;; there’s no unit name here
                (* (string−>number u) 1pt) ;; so default to points
                (let* ((unum (string−>number
                        (substring u 0 u−s−i)))
                    (uname (STRING−DOWNCASE
                        (substring u u−s−i strlen))))
                  (case uname
                    (("mm") (* unum 1mm))
                    (("cm") (* unum 1cm))
                    (("in") (* unum 1in))
                    (("pi") (* unum 1pi))
                    (("pc") (* unum 1pi))
                    (("pt") (* unum 1pt))
                    (("px") (* unum 1px))
                    (("barleycorn") (* unum 2pi)) ;; extensible!
                        ((number? unum)
                          (* unum 1px))
                        ((number? (string−>number u))
                          (* (string−>number u) 1px))
                        (else u))))))))
          (if (number? (string−>number u))
            (* (string−>number u) 1px)
  (define (INLIST?)
    (let loop ((rest−of−list list−list))
      (if (null? rest−of−list)
        (if (have−ancestor? (car rest−of−list))
          (loop (cdr rest−of−list))))))
  (define (HSIZE n)
    (let ((m (if (< n 0) 0 n)))
      (* %bf−size%
        (expt %hsize−bump−factor% m))))
  (define (PARNUM)
    (child−number (parent (current−node))))
  (define (NESTEDFNUM n fmt)
    (if (number? n)
      (format−number n fmt)
  (define (FNUM n) (NESTEDFNUM n "1"))
  (define (BULLTREAT bullfcn ilevel override mark)
      (override (bullfcn override ilevel))
      (mark (bullfcn mark ilevel))
      (else (bullfcn "bullet" ilevel))))
  (define (BULLFONT m lvl)
    (let ((md (STRING−DOWNCASE m)))
      (case md
        (("bullet") "WingDings")
        (("box") "WingDings")
        (("checkbox") "WingDings")
        (("check") "WingDings")
        (("checkedbox") "WingDings")
        (("dash") %body−font−family%)
        (("copyright") "Symbol")
        (else %body−font−family%))))
  (define (BULLSTR m lvl)
    (let ((md (STRING−DOWNCASE m)))
      (case md
        (("bullet") "l")
        (("box") "o")
        (("checkbox") "o")
        (("check") "_)
        (("checkedbox") "_)
        (("dash") "{ )
        (("copyright") ",A)
        (("none") "")
        (else "l"))))
  (define (MSIZE m lvl f1 f2)
    (if (= lvl 1)
      (* %bf−size% f1)
      (* %bf−size% f2)))
  (define (BULLSIZE m lvl)
    (let ((md (STRING−DOWNCASE m)))
      (case md
        (("bullet") (MSIZE m lvl 0.8 0.72))
        (("box") (MSIZE m lvl 0.9 0.72))
        (("checkbox") (MSIZE m lvl 0.9 0.72))
        (("check") (MSIZE m lvl 1.0 1.0))
        (("checkedbox") (MSIZE m lvl 1.0 1.0))
        (("dash") (MSIZE m lvl 1.0 1.0))
        (("none") (MSIZE m lvl 1.0 1.0))
        (else (MSIZE m lvl 1.0 1.0)))))
  (define (BULLSHIFT m lvl)
    (let ((md (STRING−DOWNCASE m)))
      (case md
        (("bullet") 0.0em)
        (("box") (if (= lvl 1) 0.0em 0.1em))
        (("checkbox") (if (= lvl 1) 0.0em 0.1em))
        (("check") 0.0em)
        (("checkedbox") 0.0em)
        (("dash") 0.0em)
        (("none") 0.0em)
        (else 0.0em))))
  ;; ====================== COMMON STYLE TEMPLATES =======================
  (define ($block−container$)
    (make display−group
      space−before: %block−sep%
      space−after: %block−sep%
      start−indent: %body−start−indent%
  (define ($para−container$)
    (make paragraph
      space−before: %para−sep%
      space−after: %para−sep%
      start−indent: (if (member (current−node) outer−parent−list)
  (define ($indent−para−container$)
    (make paragraph
      space−before: %para−sep%
      space−after: %para−sep%
      start−indent: (+ (inherited−start−indent) (* (ILSTEP) 2))
      quadding: ’start
  (define para−style
      font−size: %bf−size%
      font−weight: ’medium
      font−posture: ’upright
      font−family−name: %body−font−family%
      line−spacing: (* %bf−size% %line−spacing−factor%)))
  (define title−style
      font−family−name: %title−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
      quadding: ’start))
  (define ($lowtitle$ tlevel)
    (let ((hs (HSIZE (− 3 tlevel))))
      (make paragraph
        font−family−name: %title−font−family%
        font−weight: ’bold
        font−size: hs
        line−spacing: (* hs %line−spacing−factor%)
        space−before: (* hs %head−before−factor%)
        space−after: (* hs %head−after−factor%)
        start−indent: %body−start−indent%
        quadding: ’start
        keep−with−next?: #t
  (define ($runinhead$)
    (make sequence
      font−weight: ’bold
      (literal " ")))
  (define ($bold−seq$)
    (make sequence
      font−weight: ’bold
  (define ($italic−seq$)
    (make sequence
      font−posture: ’italic
  (define ($bold−italic−seq$)
    (make sequence
      font−weight: ’bold
      font−posture: ’italic
  (define ($mono−seq$)
    (make sequence
      font−family−name: %mono−font−family%
  (define ($italic−mono−seq$)
    (make sequence
      font−family−name: %mono−font−family%
      font−posture: ’italic
  (define ($bold−mono−seq$)
    (make sequence
      font−family−name: %mono−font−family%
      font−weight: ’bold
  (define ($score−seq$ stype)
    (make score
      type: stype
  (define ($charseq$) (process−children))